I cannot recommend Jon at the Holme Valley Sports Injury Clinic highly enough, he is professional, highly skilled and encouraging. All aspects of diagnosis and treatment are explained in a friendly, caring approach. You feel in expert hands thus I am happy to recommend his services to others
Conditions Treated
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Head and Neck Injuries
Pain in the neck can arise for many reasons. Pain can come from the spine itself which can be caused by inflammation or stiffness of one or more vertebrae due to arthritis or poor posture. Muscular pain is also common which maybe due to overuse, poor posture, car accidents or a sports injury. Referred or localized pain can a be the result of a prolapsed / bulging disc which can irritate the nerve.
Physiotherapy can also help headaches as they are often caused by problems with neck.
Shoulder Injuries
Frozen shoulder, rotator cuff injuries, rotator cuff impingements, arthritis, dislocations, bursitis, ligament problems, muscle imbalances, posture related problems are all things that can lead to shoulder pain. These problems may occur due to poor posture, over use (RSI , trauma, wear and tear or a sport related cause.
Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) and Golfers elbow (medial epicondylitis) and are the most common injuries associated with the elbow and are injuries invoving the tendons of the elbow joint. These are usually caused by overuse (repetitive strain injury RSI) or sport related. Dislocations, fractures and arthritis are also problems that physiotherapy can help with.
Wrist and Hand
Tendon injuries, carpal tunnel, arthritis and fractures are all problems associated with the wrist which may be caused by over use ( SI , trauma or general wear and tear. These are all conditions that can be treated with physiotherapy. Finding the cause of the injury (ie work/sport/recreation is also important to prevent reoccurance and this is something your physiotherapist can help you with. This may involve assessing and altering work stations and activities.
Abdominal Injuries
Usually muscular injuries associated with lifting / work related accidents or sports injuries.
Back Injuries
Back pain can arise for many reasons. Pain can come from the spine itself which can be caused by inflammation or stiffness to one or more vertebrae. Muscular pain is also common which maybe due to overuse, poor posture, imbalances or a sporting injury. Referred sciatic pain or acute local pain can be the result of a prolapsed / bulging disc which causes irritation to the nerve. Back pain can be treated with physiotherapy along with pilates based exercises, stretches and postural modifications.
Groin Injuries
Pain in this area can be due to muscular strains, ligament injuries of the hip joint, arthritis of the hip joint, hernia or muscle imbalances.
Pelvic Injuries
The sacro iliac joints are part of the pelvis, problems with these joints are commonly the cause of low back pain and can be treated with physiotherapy, postural modifications, pilates based exercises and stretches.
Thigh Injuries / Upper leg
Quadriceps strains and Hamstring strains are muscular problems which are common in this area and are usually caused by sport / recreational activities or overstretching. Pain in this area can also be due to referred pain from the lower back.
Knee Injuries
Knee pain can be caused by problems or injury of the ligaments, meniscus (cartilage) , muscles or joint surfaces. A physiotherapy assessment will determine the cause of your knee pain allow your physiotherapist devise an appropriate treatment plan including advice to aid your return to physical activity.
Lower Leg and Ankle
Shin splints, calf strains and Achilles tendon injuries are all muscular problems that are common in the lower leg. Pain may also be referred from the lower back Ankle problems include arthritis and ligament injuries from sport or twising the ankle. Physiotherapy can also help rehabilitate you after fracture to the lower limb.
Foot Injuries
Heel pain (plantar faciitis), metatarsal fractures, bunions, tendon injuries and dropped arches are common causes of foot pain. Physiotherapy can help with these problems. Occasionally your physiotherapist may work closely with a podiatrist to help prevent further occurrence of your injury.
If you would like to enquire about treatment please call us on 01484 541227, or email us to tell us a little bit more about your injuries. |